As part of the recent crackdown on drunk driving in Cabo, “friendly breathalyzer” tests will be introduced outside bars in the main
areas of Los Cabo, La Paz and Constitucion.
The tests are an attempt to help raise awareness in young
people - both tourist and locals - over how much they have actually drunk. And to
point out the risks they face when driving after drinking.
The Secretary of Health (SSA) in Baja California Sur,
Victor George Flores, says they don't want to be heavy-handed with young people. Everybody knows there is a big party scene in Cabo. The intention
with the tests is to provide clear information on the risks associated with alcohol, but in a friendly, approachable way.
The program is a joint initiative between the Department
of Health, Conadic (National Commission Against Addictions), and local police. And it kicks off in two weeks – in perfect time
for the main holiday season.
So beware. It’s a clear message for everyone. If you are
in Cabo to party - don’t drink and drink.
Ever. Take a cab.
To catch up on all the recent developments with drunk driving in Cabo, check out our blog posts below. And to learn more about Cabo's nightlife - we have it all, right here om