SCOMBRIDAE FAMILY; also called oahu fish, Pacific kingfish
Found worldwide in tropical and warm temperate seas, wahoo are not especially common around Los Cabos however they are caught regularly enough.
Pelagic and seasonally migratory, it tends to be a loner or travel in small groups of 2 to 6 fish. There are indications of seasonal concentrations off the Pacific coasts of Panama, Costa Rica and Baja California in the summer.
The upper jaw is movable and the teeth are large, strong and laterally compressed. The well-defined lateral line dips noticeably near the middle of the first dorsal fin, and is wavy back to the tail. The back is a brilliant, deep blue sometimes described as metallic or electric blue. Bright blue vertical bands, or “tiger stripes”, flow down the sides onto the silver and sometimes join into pairs on the belly. These beautiful stripes are not, however, always prominent in large specimens and occasionally may be missing entirely.
It is found around wrecks and reefs where the smaller fish that it feeds upon are abundant, but it may also be found far out at sea.
It is reputed to be one of the fastest fish in the sea, attaining speeds of 50 mph (80 km) and more. The first scorching run may peel off several hundred yards of line in seconds. Occasionally this fish jumps on the strike and often shakes its head violently when hooked in an effort to free itself. Fishing methods include trolling with whole, rigged baits as well as with strip baits or artificial lures. A wire trace is essential because of their teeth. Live bait fishing and kite fishing are productive, but the wahoo is a relatively scarce species around Los Cabos and is usually taken incidentally while fishing for other oceanic species. Reading the fishing reports it would suggest that more wahoo are caught by the panga fleet, particularly out of Puerto Los Cabos, than by the general sportfishing fleet out of Cabo.
The flesh is finely grained and sweet and is excellent eating
Current Wahoo All Tackle Record
184 lbs. 0 ounces.
Best time to catch a Wahoo in Cabo: available all year but best from July until early November.