What's on in Cabo in March
The month of March is characterized by gradually rising daily high temperatures, with daily highs around 28°C throughout the month, exceeding 32°C or dropping below 24°C only one day in ten.

March Temperatures in Cabo
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5 - Carnival Day. Carnival is an indulgent celebration of pleasure before the sober fasting period of the Catholic Lent. The event begins the weekend before Lent, Carnival is celebrated exuberantly with feasting, drinking, parades, and dancing in the streets. Port towns such as Ensenada, La Paz, Mazatlan and Veracruz are the best places to watch Carnival festivities.
First Wednesday of the month: Ash Wednesday.
Mid-March - Festival of San Jose - San Jose del Cabo: This festival is in honor of the city's patron saint, San José (St. Joseph). This 11-day festival culminates on March 19 every year. Beginning with evening parties and music on the 8th of March, the festival increases with carnivals and parades on weekends. Food venues are placed throughout all downtown, and booths carrying items like fresh warm tamales and sugared pumpkin candies are also available.
21 - Benito Juarez Day: A national holiday honoring the renowned former president who is known as “The Lincoln of Mexico.” March 21 First Day of Spring, and the beginning of the Springbreak season.
Surfing (Pacific Ocean)
Swell from the North comes in during the winter time
Cabo's nightlife is really ramping up this month with the annual invasion of Spring Breakers. All the bars and clubs will be full of partying teens so be warned: you will have fun!
Whale Watching
Gray whales travel 10,000-12,000 miles round trip every year between their winter calving lagoons in the warm waters of Mexico and their summer feeding grounds in the cold Arctic seas.
March begins to tail off for whale watching but they are normally still around in enough numbers for most to be able to see these magnificent animals. Take a look at our
section on whale
watching to find out what species you can see around Los Cabos.
Fishing in Cabo is good all year round. It all depends on what type of fish you’re looking to catch or whether you are looking to participate in a tournament. Check out our Sportfishing article to see the season chart for fish and tournaments.
Striped marlin are around but the numbers are reducing. This is the month when the swordfish put in an appearance so get ready! Inshore the yellowtail should be arriving along with the year round roosterfish.
You can do research
for your trip on iTravel-Cabo.com by reading past Cabo fishing reports for