What's on in Cabo in December
The month of December is characterized by gradually falling daily high temperatures, with daily highs around 27°C throughout the month, exceeding 31°C or dropping below 23°C only one day in ten.

December Temperatures in Cabo
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12 - Feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe: This nationwide display of traditional culture is celebrated with street fairs, fireworks, processions, masses and more.
16 - 24 Christmas Posadas: Candle-lit processions from house to house for nine days prior to Christmas enhance the excitement of Christmas in Mexico.
25 - Christmas: With the rest of the Christian world, Mexico celebrates the day of Christmas.
Surfing (Pacific Ocean)
Swell from the North comes in during the winter time
Cabo's wild
nightlife is at its fullest during Spring Break (March) and from around
mid-October through to New Years, but you can find a good party atmosphere
during all the high season months. The main nightclubs are easily located on
the main strip and there is plenty of variety to suit all tastes.
Whale Watching
Gray whales travel 10,000-12,000
miles round trip every year between their winter calving lagoons in the warm
waters of Mexico and their summer feeding grounds in the cold Arctic
seas. November is
probably one of the peak months for seeing these magnificent animals. Take a look at our section on whale watching to find out what species you
can see around Los Cabos.
Fishing in Cabo is good all year round. It all depends on what type of fish you’re looking to catch or whether you are looking to participate in a tournament. Check out our Sportfishing article to see the season chart for fish and tournaments.
The Striped marlin run should now be in full swing and dorado and tuna are still around. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas the Cabo fishing charter companies are usually a little quieter so now is a good time to cut a deal!
You can do research
for your trip on iTravel-Cabo.com by reading past Cabo fishing reports for