What's on in Cabo in July
The month of July is characterized by essentially constant daily high temperatures, with daily highs around 34°C throughout the month, exceeding 37°C or dropping below 31°C only one day in ten.

July Temperatures In Cabo
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16 - Fiesta of the Virgin of Carmen: In honor of a woman who is believed to be a protector of Mexico, the festivities begin with many craft vendors on the streets. In the afternoon, a parade of school children followed by mothers with families and puppeteers come their way through the downtown streets. Bullfights also take place in the afternoon at the Toros Stadium one kilometer south of the city. A small fishing tournament run by the city also takes place during this festival day.
25 - Festival of St. James: Credited with bringing Catholicism to Mexico, St. James the Apostle is envisioned through legends as a magical man who rides a white horse. The parades and festivities held in Cabo reflect the wonder still felt by the people for this patron saint of Spain. Look for riders mounted on white horses in the parades and re-enacted battlefield skirmishes staged at the town square around dusk. The parades begin at 2pm followed by closed shops and street parties swelling from the cantinas. This event takes place throughout downtown.
End of July or Start of August: Bisbee's East Cape Sportfishing Tournament held at East Cape. A fishing tournament where anglers compete for Black or Blue marlin, dorado and tuna. Designed for serious anglers who love competition in a casual and convivial environment.
Surfing (Sea of Cortez)
Swell from the South comes in during the summer months.
Whale Watching
By July the Gray whales are long
gone however there are still some species which can be seen and you could well
be lucky enough to see a superpod of dolphins shadowing the schools of
Yellowfin tuna. On occasion these super pods can number literally thousands of
animals. Take a look at our section on whale
watching to find out what species you can see around Los Cabos.
Fishing in Cabo is good all year round. It all depends on what type of fish you’re looking to catch or whether you are looking to participate in a tournament. Check out our Sportfishing article to see the season chart for fish and tournaments.
The Blues are here! Or at least they should be…it all depends on the water temperature. Black marlin also show up as do the large roosterfish inshore. Dorado are the main summer species and the schools of Yellowfin tuna are starting to show up as well. Happy days and happy anglers.
You can do research
for your trip on iTravel-Cabo.com by reading past Cabo fishing reports for