Yellowfin Tuna
SCOMBRIDAE FAMILY; also called Allison tuna

In Cabo waters, Yellowfin come BIG! The world all tackle record Yellowfin was caught here in 2013. At 427lbs that was a bruiser of a fish.
They occur worldwide in deep, warm temperate oceanic waters. It is both pelagic and seasonally migratory, but has been known to come fairly close to shore, although not around Los Cabos where most are caught well offshore in deep water, usually associated with super-pods of dolphins.
Most large Yellowfins have overextended second dorsal and anal fins that may reach more than halfway back to the tail base in some large specimens. In smaller specimens under about 60 lb (27 kg) and in some very large specimens as well, this may not be an accurate distinguishing factor since the fins do not appear to be as long in all specimens. The pectoral fins in adults reach to the origin of the second dorsal fin, but never beyond the second dorsal fin to the finlets as in the albacore.
Yellowfins are probably the most colorful of all the tunas. The back is blue black, fading to silver on the lower flanks and belly. A golden yellow or iridescent blue stripe runs from the eye to the tail, though this is not always prominent. All the fins and finlets are golden yellow though in some very large specimens the elongated dorsal and anal fins may be silver edged with yellow. The finlets have black edges. The belly frequently shows as many as 20 vertical rows of whitish spots.
The diet depends largely on what is abundant at the time and includes flying fish, mackerel, sardines, other small fish, squid and crustaceans. Fishing methods around Cabo include trolling with lures including the ubiquitous “cedar plugs” which are astonishingly effective. They can also be caught on live baits or trolled ballyhoo.
It is highly esteemed both as a sport fish and as table fare. Its flesh is very light compared to that of other tunas, with the exception of the albacore, which has white meat.
Current Yellowfin Tuna All Tackle Record
427 lbs. 0 ounces.
Best time to catch Yellowfin tuna in Cabo: From July until early December.