Zippers in happier times before Hurricane Odile.
We have received many requests for news on Zippers on the Costa Azul from concerned members.
Sadly, we have to let people know that Zippers was all but destroyed by Hurricane Odile. Staff are working hard to get it ready to open by the end of next week.
All the employees are well and working at other locations until Zippers is rebuilt.
The beach is still there, the surfers are still surfing and all the beauty that makes the Zippers and the Costa Azul is still there. They just need to rebuild the palapas, clean up the mess, put a new kitchen and fix the bathrooms...it could have been worse!
Molly, the administrator, said “We have been looking after all the employees at other restaurants in the group until things get back to normal.”
The other two places owned by the group; Ay Ay Ay and Molly's, are ok and didn't suffer any damage and were open two days after the hurricane.
We'll keep you posted on progress at Zippers as we find out more.