Lots of news
on whales this week. Sadly, not all of it good…
Despite several
sightings earlier this week of Costalito de Sal - it has just been confirmed this
afternoon that the baby albino whale has died.
With shark bites evident on the tongue, face and tail, it looks like
Costalito fell prey to predators.
Albino whales are very rare and their pale
coloring makes them very vulnerable.
According to
El Independiente, Costalito was found dead stranded on a beach in the Pacific
Ocean, at the mouth of Laguna Ojo de Liebre.
The baby whale appeared to have been dead for several days. This has been confirmed by PROFEPA..
A very sad
On a
slightly happier note, CONANP has remarked on healthy numbers of both blue and grey a whales. With a record number of visitors going to Loreto National Park to see
the blue whales.
Also good to
know is that there have been NO incidents of whales entangled in fishing nets this
year. With only 2 in early December, right at the beginning of the season,
everyone is optimistic that the season will finish with no more.
And a recent
charity concert - Canto con Ballenas - in the bay of Cabo San Lucas, raised
money for RABEN – the organisation that deals with entangled whales. This concert was a big success, and it is hoped it will become an annual fundraising event to help the
if you want to hear more about whales around Cabo, we have lots more information on whales right here on itravel-cabo.
And check out our recent feature article on one of Cabo’s best whale watching companies – Cabo Trek.

Costalito de Sal swimming earlier this week with mom...