Want to fish the Cabo Tuna Jackpot and don’t have a charterboat? Or funds are a little low? Well, there is a unique, one-time program in place for the Big Game tournaments of October and November.
The Cabo Charter Hookup program is designed to simultaneously help the Cabo San Lucas charter boat industry bounce back from Hurricane Odile and offer opportunities and for people to fulfill their dreams of fishing the Cabo Tuna Jackpot slated Nov. 5-8.
This year the first 20 teams who agree to hire a local Cabo charter crew will have their $800 tournament entry fee paid by the Cabo Charter Hook-up program.
“Cabo San Lucas has been so good to us throughout the years, we are grateful to have this opportunity to give back,” said a Charter Hookup Program spokesperson in Cabo. The program is being funded by an anonymous “patron” who wants every reputable charterboat in Cabo to be in the Bisbee’s and Black and Blue tournaments. “The city is already well underway to being 100 percent ready. It’s now mostly a matter of polishing it up.”
Here's how it works:
This year, the first 10 teams who agree to hire a local Cabo charter crew will have their $800 tournament entry fee paid by the Cabo Charter Hook-up program.
In an effort to level the playing field for everyone, a few stipulations have been set:
1. Each charter captain will have to agree to a standard same-across-the-board fee of $800/day.
2. All anglers taking part will agree to be assigned their charter crews randomly at a pre-tournament drawing ceremony. The Tuna Jackpot drawing will take place the day before check-in on Monday at 5 p.m., Nov. 3 at the marlin sculpture on the Cabo malecon.
3. Each team must register and pay the charter boat fee of $800/day plus 16 percent in taxes ($256) to save their spot as one of the first 10 teams. The amount of $1,888 must be paid to WON by cashiers check or wire by Oct. 31.
Team Details:
1. The offer is only good for the first 10 teams that register and pay the charter boat fee of $800/day plus applicable taxes. It is only 10 now, but the number could grow to 20 boats, a spokesman said.
2. The offer is good for the base entry fee only and does not include jackpot entries or other side events. Teams may enter additional jackpot categories; however, these categories are not part of the offer and must be paid in full by the team prior to the start of the tournament.
3. This offer is open to any team that would like to participate, as long as they agree to hire a local charter that is randomly assigned to him or her at a pre-tournament drawing ceremony.
4. The team must register and pay for the charter boat fee ($800 day plus applicable taxes) in order to save their spot as one of the first 10 teams. If the fee is not paid, the team has not earned the free entry. Teams already in a booking arrangement with charterboats are not eligible.
Charter Boat Details:
1. Must be registered as a tourist vessel with all relevant safety certifications
2. Between 30 feet LOA and 40 feet LOA.
3. Available for the full two days of the tournament
4. Agree to terms and conditions (no extra fees, no mileage limit, etc.)
Any charterboat operator who wants to register should contact Michelle Nataro, Relief fun coordinator of the Cabo Charter Hookup, at (cell) 624 129 8961 in Mexico, or from U.S. or Canada at 011-52-1-624-129-8961, or email her at mnataros@gmail.com
How to Register
Register your team by filling out an entry form at loscabostunajackpot.com and mailing it to WON headquarters opn the address given on the form, with the $1,888 charter fee (which includes taxes), and any optionals. Mark the appropriate boxes in the entry form. There is no “box” for the charter fee, just the optionals. The $800 entry for participating Charter Program Teams is by the Program’s fund.
The easiest way is to wire the money after faxing in the entry form. Denise can be reached at denisec@wonews.com or call (949) 366-0030, ext 25. Denise will provide wiring instructions. No credit cards, accepted.