Hyatt Los Cabos after Odile
Latest update on the hotels which remained closed for more
extended periods after Odile struck five months ago.
Grand Mayan Los Cabos. Partly opened Feb. 7. Full reopening
expected March 28. Rates after March 28 begin about $375.
Hyatt Ziva Los Cabos. Accepting reservations for stays
beginning July 15. Rates from about $310 per night.
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Hyatt Place Los Cabos. Taking reservations for stays
beginning July 15. Rates from about $85 a night.
One&Only Palmilla Los Cabos. Reopening April 20. Rates
in early May begin at about $790.
Westin Resort & Spa. Reopening Sept. 30. Rooms for two
from about $170.
Hilton Los Cabos Beach & Golf Resort. Taking
reservations beginning June 1. Rooms for two in early July from about $210.
Hotel Meliá Cabo Real. Taking reservations beginning Dec. 1.
Rooms for two in early December begin at about $195, all-inclusive.
Las Ventanas al Paraíso. Accepting reservations beginning
June 15. Rates from about $585.
Dreams Los Cabos Suites. Reopening June 1. Rates begin
around $469.
Esperanza Resort. Website says reopening March 31. First
reservation availability is June 1. Rates begin about $575.