Organizers Score International
have announced The 2014 Baja 1000 off-road race through Mexico's Baja
California Peninsula will feature competitors from 24 countries.
The competition
will feature 250 riders and drivers racing from the town of Ensenada, Baja
California, at the top of the peninsula, to La Paz, Baja California Sur (BCS),
in the south.
The race, which takes
place in the third week of November (Nov 12-16, 2014), includes modified trucks
and cars, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and motorcycles as they cover about 1,818
km of rugged desert and coastal landscapes, challenging to the extreme both men
and machines.
Over the years the event
has attracted many famous names including actor Paul Newman, who competed in
the 2004 race at age 80; actor James Garner; rock musician Ted Nugent; race car
driver and owner Parnelli Jones; and Mexican IndyCar driver Michel Jourdain Jr.
Roger Norman, the
president and CEO of Score International Off-Road Racing, which now operates
this race and others in Baja and the US state of California, said organizers have
already toured the route to identify areas where damage caused by Hurricane
Odile in September could present a problem and planned alternative routes where
The main schedule
for the race is:
Thursday, November
13, 2014
Start Line in
ENSENADA: - Blvd. Costero in front of the Riviera del Pacifico Cultural Center
5:30am-1pm Media
Center Open Red Room, Riviera del Pacifico Cultural Center
SCORE Trophy Truck and Class 1, one vehicle every 60 secs. with 5-min. break
classes – All other
classes, one vehicle every 30 seconds – Start Order Subject to Change
MOTORCYCLES/Quads - Open Pro, Limited Pro, 30, 40, 50, 60, Ironman, Pro Quads,
SPT M/C, SPT Quad,
- TT, 1, TT Spec, 10, SL, 8, HM, 7, BC, PT, 6, 3000, TL,1/2-1600, 5, 7SX,
5-1600, 2, 3, 3700, 1700, 4400, SF, SM, 9, 11, 19, SpUnl Truck, Sp Buggy, SpLtd
Truck, Sp UTV
based on total course mileage. Limit is from time each vehicle starts to
complete the course
Finish Line in LA
PAZ: - Adjacent to the tourism office on the outskirts of La Paz.
If you are in Los
Cabos during the race dates it is worth taking the time to head up to La Paz
and see the spectacle as the finishing vehicles arrive. La Paz is a great city
so why not make a few days of it!