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Redrum Cabo Fishing Report May 24th

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Now we REALLY started to pick up this week my friends! There was still some slow moments, but boy, was there some promising days!! RedRum started the week off with a bang with Douglas Dean and his wife and 3 daughters seeing 3 Thresher shark up close and personal!! They fished only a 1/2 day and had lots of action. A little slow for my other 2 boats that day, including the Kovaleff’s who are long-time RedRum anglers. I was not here the first 2 days they fished, so I did the fish dance for them Friday morning and boy did it pay off!! They ended up catching 3 Shark on Friday. 2 Lemon Shark and a large, around 200lb Thresher. Mike Nydam fished on ReelRum Tuesday, he released a Striped Marlin. Our buddy Norman Johnson and his friend James fished 2 days on Colleen’s Magic and had great luck catching a Roosterfish, a Thresher Shark and the first Sailfish of the season! They released a Striped Marlin day 2. Bob and Dempsey Black also had a great day on Tuesday catching 2 Striped Marlin and releasing a Thresher Shark. Bob's Marlin 5-19-15-1 Robert Weiss fished for 2 days on El Nuevo and got shut out on Tuesday, but Thursday they killed it! Not the Marlin…. they actually released them! 3 to be exact. David Duke also had a great day with the Jesus’s aboard RumRunnin on Wednesday. They released 3 Striped Marlin and boated 3 Bonita. Most of the Marlin were being caught up by the 1150 bank on the Cortez side. Father/son trip with the Efflers and Wilsons resulted in the first big Dorado of the season, they also fished on El Nuevo with Captain Alex and Mate Charlie. Kevin and Chelsea Orsak had the luck of the fish Gods on their side Thursday morning. They were on Tantrum and released 3 Striped Marlin and were back to the dock by noon!! My buddy Patrick Farley was waiting patiently at the office when I arrived at 5:45AM Friday Morning. He was disappointed that he was shut out earlier in the week, so, I did what I had to do – the fish dance LOL. And, you thought it paid off for the Kovaleff’s??? Check out how it paid off for my buddy Patrick and his son Sean and buddy Tyler…..FARLEYFARLEY BOAT Now, I don’t know if you can read what that sign says, but that is a 256lb Yellowfin my friends! The Jesus’s really got one this time!! The guys “say” it took them only 20 minutes to reel that bad boy in. It was caught up around the 11.50 with an Orange and Yellow 5.5 Zuker…… That is good news for Cabo San Lucas my friends! Won’t be much longer now!!

Casey Karchner and friends boarded RedRum and Sniper on Friday, together they released 3 Striped Marlin and a Pilot Shark. Casey and his small group went out again for a 1/2 day on Saturday and they caught 5 Roosterfish. They went up by San Jose and dropped sardines to catch these nice Trophies. Mike Cop and his family out of Louisiana enjoyed Friday catching a Dorado, a Yellowfin Tuna and releasing 2 Striped Marlin. They were shut out on Sunday, but had such a great day first day, it almost made up for it!! Friday, we did have one boat shut out, the ReelRum, but we were lucky that it was one of only 2 the rest of the weekend with no luck! One other boat on Saturday, was a 1/2 day boat that had no luck. Other than that, the Striped Marlin were HAWNGRY! Ray Martinez fished solo on RumRunnin and released 3 as well as a Thresher Shark. Charlie and Sandie Muere fished Saturday and Sunday – released 3 Striped Marlin Saturday, went for Roosters on Sunday and picked up 3 nice ones!! They also caught a large Spanish Mackerel. Billy Eason on Top Gun released 2 Striped Marlin on Saturday as did Preston Hall and his crew aboard 19′s Toy with Cappy Gava and mate Noe. Scott and my girl Tiffany Roberts had an awesome day – no Tantrums! on Tantrum Sunday, they each released a Striped Marlin. Erich Overhardt and Jessica Morris had a great day on 19′s Toy Sunday catching 2 REALLY nice Wahoo and a Striped Marlin. Check proud Jessica barely hanging onto this one!Wahoo Jeffrey Chao and his crew were another unlucky boat on Sunday, they had a Marlin on but lost it early. That is how the fishing goes folks! We hope there are ton’s more coming in, so there are tons more chances!! Things are definitely looking UP!


Now we REALLY started to pick up this week my friends! There was still some slow moments, but boy, was there some promising days!! RedRum started the week off with a bang with Douglas Dean and his wife and 3 daughters seeing 3 Thresher shark up close and personal!! They fished only a 1/2 day and had lots of action. A little slow for my other 2 boats that day, including the Kovaleff’s who are long-time RedRum anglers. I was not here the first 2 days they fished, so I did the fish dance for them Friday morning and boy did it pay off!! They ended up catching 3 Shark on Friday. 2 Lemon Shark and a large, around 200lb Thresher. Mike Nydam fished on ReelRum Tuesday, he released a Striped Marlin. Our buddy Norman Johnson and his friend James fished 2 days on Colleen’s Magic and had great luck catching a Roosterfish, a Thresher Shark and the first Sailfish of the season! They released a Striped Marlin day 2. Bob and Dempsey Black also had a great day on Tuesday catching 2 Striped Marlin and releasing a Thresher Shark. Bob's Marlin 5-19-15-1 Robert Weiss fished for 2 days on El Nuevo and got shut out on Tuesday, but Thursday they killed it! Not the Marlin…. they actually released them! 3 to be exact. David Duke also had a great day with the Jesus’s aboard RumRunnin on Wednesday. They released 3 Striped Marlin and boated 3 Bonita. Most of the Marlin were being caught up by the 1150 bank on the Cortez side. Father/son trip with the Efflers and Wilsons resulted in the first big Dorado of the season, they also fished on El Nuevo with Captain Alex and Mate Charlie. Kevin and Chelsea Orsak had the luck of the fish Gods on their side Thursday morning. They were on Tantrum and released 3 Striped Marlin and were back to the dock by noon!! My buddy Patrick Farley was waiting patiently at the office when I arrived at 5:45AM Friday Morning. He was disappointed that he was shut out earlier in the week, so, I did what I had to do – the fish dance LOL. And, you thought it paid off for the Kovaleff’s??? Check out how it paid off for my buddy Patrick and his son Sean and buddy Tyler…..FARLEYFARLEY BOAT Now, I don’t know if you can read what that sign says, but that is a 256lb Yellowfin my friends! The Jesus’s really got one this time!! The guys “say” it took them only 20 minutes to reel that bad boy in. It was caught up around the 11.50 with an Orange and Yellow 5.5 Zuker…… That is good news for Cabo San Lucas my friends! Won’t be much longer now!!

Casey Karchner and friends boarded RedRum and Sniper on Friday, together they released 3 Striped Marlin and a Pilot Shark. Casey and his small group went out again for a 1/2 day on Saturday and they caught 5 Roosterfish. They went up by San Jose and dropped sardines to catch these nice Trophies. Mike Cop and his family out of Louisiana enjoyed Friday catching a Dorado, a Yellowfin Tuna and releasing 2 Striped Marlin. They were shut out on Sunday, but had such a great day first day, it almost made up for it!! Friday, we did have one boat shut out, the ReelRum, but we were lucky that it was one of only 2 the rest of the weekend with no luck! One other boat on Saturday, was a 1/2 day boat that had no luck. Other than that, the Striped Marlin were HAWNGRY! Ray Martinez fished solo on RumRunnin and released 3 as well as a Thresher Shark. Charlie and Sandie Muere fished Saturday and Sunday – released 3 Striped Marlin Saturday, went for Roosters on Sunday and picked up 3 nice ones!! They also caught a large Spanish Mackerel. Billy Eason on Top Gun released 2 Striped Marlin on Saturday as did Preston Hall and his crew aboard 19′s Toy with Cappy Gava and mate Noe. Scott and my girl Tiffany Roberts had an awesome day – no Tantrums! on Tantrum Sunday, they each released a Striped Marlin. Erich Overhardt and Jessica Morris had a great day on 19′s Toy Sunday catching 2 REALLY nice Wahoo and a Striped Marlin. Check proud Jessica barely hanging onto this one!Wahoo Jeffrey Chao and his crew were another unlucky boat on Sunday, they had a Marlin on but lost it early. That is how the fishing goes folks! We hope there are ton’s more coming in, so there are tons more chances!! Things are definitely looking UP!

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